50% OFF! SECURE MY SEAT: Music is Therapy Small Group Session 002: Love


50% OFF! SECURE MY SEAT: Music is Therapy Small Group Session 002: Love

Sale Price:$50.00 Original Price:$100.00

Join me on this transformative journey and discover how music can be your greatest ally in mental wellness.

Starting on September 24, I'll be hosting two exclusive 4-week Zoom groups:

001.One Big Change: become conscious of what you're unconscious of. take back the power to and make ONE BIG CHANGE in your life.

002.Love: this course gives you the tools to find, fix, and figure out whatever, whomever it is that you truly and wholeheartedly want.

Each session is designed to help you tap into your own power and integrates songs you love, guided by my expertise as a licensed therapist and DJ.

Limited spots available! Each group will have 4-5 participants at $100/hour per weekly group session, with a Superbill provided for insurance reimbursement for those with benefits.


Join me on this transformative journey and discover how music can be your greatest ally in mental wellness.

Starting on September 24, I'll be hosting two exclusive 4-week Zoom groups:

002. Love: this course gives you the tools to find, fix, and figure out whatever, whomever it is that you truly and wholeheartedly want.

Each session is designed to help you tap into your own power and integrates songs you love, guided by my expertise as a licensed therapist and DJ.

Limited spots available! Each group will have 4-5 participants at $100/hour per weekly group session, with a Superbill provided for insurance reimbursement for those with benefits.